Trucking News, Truck Driver Jobs, Diesel Fuel Prices, Loads, Routing & More!

The leading internet source for trucking services and information. eTrucker provides all of the tools truck drivers need to succeed. is a community of truckers and trucking companies in North America. Owned and operated by Randall-Reilly Publishing, offers its users Community, Services and Information.

Through our polls and surveys, is a forum for truckers, their families and other members of the trucking industry. The trucking industry is scattered across the continent, and its members and loved ones must communicate over great distances. We would like to help you -- whether it means keeping you up to speed with what's going on in the industry or providing family advice from truckers who've been there. We want you to participate and develop this community. Even if you never exchange critical business information or lobby the government for relief from high fuel prices, the Internet and eTrucker can play a vital role in your life, connecting you to family, friends and fellow truckers.

Our goal also is to unleash the power of the Internet for you. We asked truckers andsmall trucking companies what they wanted out of the Internet and designed our services to match their needs. We will continue to add services that help your business, personal finances and family. The Internet is a powerful tool, and wants to give you all the virtual horsepower you need.

Finally, we give you timely information about the issues that affect your business. Whether it's up-to-the-minute coverage of transportation hearings in Washington D.C. or information on the latest engine designs, delivers vital news every day. We also provide you with insightful commentary, humorous anecdotes and entertainment. We also offer you a chance to read Overdrive, Truckers News and CCJ. magazines on-line.
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